
Projection Mapping Turorial

This is a test for live Projection Mapping.

  • System:
  • Kinect -> Synapse -> Quartz Comporser -> Syhon -> Modul8 -> Madmapper -> Projector

  • 1, Kinect to Synapse
1 2 3
kinect scans the position of my body.


  • 2, Synapse to Quartz Composer
1 2 3 4
make some codes in QC and then QC makes tracking particle with my left hand.


  • 3, Quartz Composer to Syhon
sending the image to Syphon


  • 4, Syphon to Modul8
1 2
change and add some effects.


  • 5, Modul8 to Madmapper
1 2
make the map for box and assign the image into each box.


  • 6, Madmapper to Projector
1 2 3
Projection on Boxes.


other link

  • Outside Mapping test
1 2
PM Outside
