About Tat

About Tat

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石井達哉 / Tatsuya Ishii:

software engineer, CG designer, visual artist, editor


Tatsuya’s work is centered primarily around an engineering of the Interactive Installation and the realtime performance using programming and CG simulation. Also, areas of research include drone’ flight path simulation, realtime AR compositing and mixed reality development.


1988年横浜生まれ。2011年社会学部メディア社会学科卒業と共に社会調査士資格を取得。 2011年8月、米国モンタナ州立大学へ留学。2015年、同大学大学院メディアアート研究科修士課程修了(統合デジタルメディア専攻)。 2015年8月、帰国。以後、Rhizomatiksに所属し、東京を拠点に活動中。

Tatsuya Ishii was born in Yokohama, Japan in 1988. He earned qualified Social Research and a Bachelor of Arts from the Media and Society, Faculty of Sociology in 2011. In 2011 (August), Tatsuya moved to Montana State in U.S. In 2015, He earned Master Degree in Integrated Digital Media from the School of Media Arts. In 2015 (August), Tatsuya returned to Japan. Since then, he belong to Rhizomatiks currently lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
